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Sluggies is a fun art collection for TombStoned Resurrected Skeletons. Drawn by SiloHasArt, Sluggies are a trash eating, rambunctious, and rude group of creatures that have taken up residence in the TombStoned ecosystem.

Every Resurrected Skeleton can mint a Sluggie. You can find if a Resurrected Skeleton has already minted a Sluggie by looking at the Attributes of the Skeleton. If the Claimed Sluggie attribute is true, then the Skeleton has already minted a Sluggie.

Here are two examples one from Magic Eden and one from Tensor.

Sluggie Example

Minting a Sluggie

Sluggies are claimed using Slug Buckets. Slug Buckets are nfts that can be minted with your Resurrected Skeleton and then used to claim your Sluggie.

Minting a Slug Bucket

  • Navigate to the bucket mint site, The Dumpster
  • Connect your wallet
  • Click on the Dumpster
  • Select the Skeleton for which you'd like to mint a Slug Bucket
  • Click the Pulsing Button and confirm the transaction
  • Minting a bucket costs approximately 0.07 SOL.

Mint Bucket

Claiming a Sluggie

  • Navigate to the Sluggies mint site, Sluggies
  • Connect your wallet
  • Click on the Mint With Bucket Button
  • The app will auto select a bucket for you
  • Confirm the transaction

Mint Sluggie

Staking Sluggies

Sluggies can be used as boosters to your Skeletons. Staking a Sluggie will increase the amount of rewards you receive from the TombStoned staking with 2 Extra Joints per Sluggie.

  • Navigate to the staking site, Anybodies
  • Connect your wallet
  • Select Boosters
  • Click Subscribe and select your sluggie(s)
  • Confirm the transaction

Stake Sluggie

Sluggie Randomizer

The Sluggie Randomizer is an app that allows you to shuffle select traits on your sluggie and update your Sluggie's image.

  • Navigate to the randomizer site, Sluggie Randomizer
  • Connect your wallet
  • Select the Sluggie you'd like to randomize Randomizer
  • Click Slug On
  • Select the traits you'd like to randomize
  • Click Randomize Randomizer
  • Confirm the transaction
  • Your Sluggie will now have new traits!
  • Choose to update the image or Reroll your traits! (Will require another transaction)

Randomizer Note: Randomizing your Sluggie will cost 500 Joints per trait.

Sapphire Badges (Coming Soon)