Programs and Apps


Docs and Information for Staking with TombStoned Staking Image


  • All staking is done through Anybodies Staking. You can find the staking page here
  • Staking is available to all Skeletons!


  • Staking is "soft" staking, meaning your asset remains in your wallet and is not locked. You can transfer or sell your asset at any time. This does however unstake your NFT.
  • Staking rewards are accumulated over time and can be claimed at any point.

Staking Options

  • TombStoned Staking
    • Available to all Skeletons
    • 7 Joints / Skeleton / Day
  • TombStoned Maturity Staking
    • Available to Resurrected Skeletons.
    • 30 Joints / Skeleton / Day BASE REWARD.
    • See chart below for time based staking rewards Maturity Staking Chart
  • TombStoned PRNT Staking
    • Limited Spots Available
    • Resurrected Only
    • Must hold 1500 PRNT to Stake
    • Max 3 per wallet
    • 75 PRNT / Skeleton / Day


  • There are fees involved with Staking your Skeletons.
    • 0.002 Sol / Skeleton to stake.
    • 0.01 Sol / Claim (Due to soft staking, you can unstake and it will auto claim for no fee, however, will cost 0.002 sol to restake.)
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